Hello there! I don't know if anyone ever comes on this site, and if they do, I don't know whether they scroll down far enough to see that there's a... read more →
Like I mentioned in my previous, catch-up post, the main thing I’ve been doing with my spare time for the past six months has been hobbyist electronics! Part of the... read more →
Hello there! If you are someone who absently reads my blog from time to time, you might have noticed that I haven’t posted since cancelling Psyia! You might be forgiven... read more →
After a fourth failed attempt at completely rewriting Psyia, I am officially calling it quits. It sucks, but I've failed to turn the initial creative experiment of GPU Cubes, built... read more →
So it's happening! Writing that post about Psyia a few months ago has turned out to be very helpful - it forced me to crystallize my feelings about the project,... read more →
So it's been a busy couple of months! Not a great deal has happened with regard to my projects month - a quick summary is that Psyia is coming along... read more →
As I looked at the list of posts I knew I'd need to write if I wanted to bring my blog up to date with my work, I knew that... read more →
Hello! There are two futures you could be reading this from. From the perspective of this website, one of them is warm, and the other one is melancholic. However, there's... read more →
Hey all! I'm not dead. But I definitely haven't been working on any of my private work for the last few months. Work has gone from incredibly urgent project to... read more →
Hey guys, It's been really negligent of me to not be posting here. Somehow social media and the internet of sharing never really resonated with me, which is a problem... read more →